iNoticeCabletron Systems reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other informationcontained in this document without prior notice. The reader should in all cases consult CabletronSystems to determine whether any such changes have been made.The hardware, firmware, or software described in this manual is subject to change without notice.IN NO EVENT SHALL CABLETRON SYSTEMS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT,SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEDTO LOST PROFITS) ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS MANUAL OR THE INFORMATIONCONTAINED IN IT, EVEN IF CABLETRON SYSTEMS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF, KNOWN, ORSHOULD HAVE KNOWN, THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Virus DisclaimerCabletron has tested its software with current virus checking technologies. However, because noanti-virus system is 100% reliable, we strongly caution you to write protect and then verify that theLicensed Software, prior to installing it, is virus-free with an anti-virus system in which you haveconfidence.Cabletron Systems makes no representations or warranties to the effect that the Licensed Software isvirus-free.Copyright © 1998 by Cabletron Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America.Order Number: 9032626-E1 April 1998Cabletron Systems, Inc.P.O. Box 5005Rochester, NH 03866-5005SPECTRUM, MiniMMAC, FNB, Multi Media Access Center, and DNI are registered trademarks,and Portable Management Application, IRM, IRM2, IRM3, IRBM, ESXMIM, ETSMIM, EMME,EMM-E6, ETWMIM, FDMMIM, FDCMIM, MicroMMAC, MRXI, MRXI-24, NB20E, NB25E, NB30,NB35E, NBR, SEHI, STHI, TRBMIM, TRMM, TRMM-2, TRMM-4, TRMMIM, TRXI, MediaInterface Module, MIM, and Flexible Network Bus are trademarks of Cabletron Systems, Inc.UNIX and OPENLOOK are trademarks of Unix System Laboratories, Inc. OSF/Motif and Motif aretrademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. X Window System is a trademark of X Consortium,Inc. Ethernet and XNS are trademarks of Xerox Corporation. Apple and AppleTalk are registeredtrademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Banyan is a registered trademark of Banyan Systems, Inc.DECnet is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. Novell is a registered trademarkof Novell, Inc. CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe. Sun Microsystems is aregistered trademark, and Sun, SunNet, and OpenWindows are trademarks of Sun Microsystems,Inc.