CSX Bridge View3-38Configuring Forwarding ThresholdsTotal Frames TransmittedThe total number of frames transmitted by the bridge.Total Frames FilteredTotal Frames Filtered indicates the total number of frames that were notforwarded through the bridge to another segment.Segment MismatchThe routing information field of a Specifically Routed frame contains LANSegment In (Local Segment)—Bridge Number—LAN Segment Out (TargetSegment) information. If the bridge’s LAN Segment Out value does not match theLAN Segment Out specified in the frame’s Routing Information field, the bridgelogs a Segment Mismatch and discards the frame.Duplicate SegmentA bridge discards a frame if the frame’s Routing Information field identifies aparticular segment more than once.Hop Count ExceededAn All Paths Explorer frame is discarded when it exceeds the number of routingdescriptors (bridge hops) specified by the Hop Count Limit.The Pie Chart button lets you select a predefined set of frame type statistics anddisplay them as a pie chart. When you click on the Pie Chart button, a pop-upmenu appears that lets you choose Received, Transmitted, or Filtered statistics.When you make your choice, the SR Pie Chart window opens with theappropriate set of variables already selected.For complete descriptions of chart variables and details on pie charts, see Chapter8, SPMA Charts, Graphs, and Meters.Configuring Forwarding ThresholdsYou can define notification thresholds for bridge port forwarding levels and thenhave SPMA use those thresholds to do one or more of the following:• Color code the Bridge Port display entries• Send Internet mail to a registered user• Launch a program on your management workstationTo open the Forwarding Thresholds window:1. Click button 1 on a Bridge Port display entry in the Bridge View to select it.2. Click button 3 on the Port Menu button to display the Port menu.