Using the Detail View Window3-11CSX Bridge ViewFigure 3-4. Port Boxes in the Detail ViewThe diagram in Figure 3-4 explains the Detail View bridge port information.Changing Ports in the Detail ViewThe Detail View can display up to four ports at the same time. If the bridge hasmore than four ports, you can show other device ports by exchanging an existingport in the Detail View for a port that is not displayed.To select a new port for the Detail View:1. In the Detail View, click mouse button 3 on the bridge port you want to replacewith another port. The Change Menu appears.2. Select the range of bridge ports (e.g., Port 1-10) that includes the desiredport. A menu listing the individual ports included in the selected range (i.e.,Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, and so on) will appear. Ports that are currentlydisplayed in the Detail View are grayed in the menu.Each port shows the total frames transmitted andreceived by the port.Port summary information includes Port Index (atthe top of the Bridge Port box), Port Status,Bridge Port State, and Frames Forwarded. Youcan display Frames Forwarded as a delta value(the total number of frames forwarded by thisbridge port to any other port on the bridge duringthe last polling interval) or as a percentage value(showing the percentage of all frames received bythe port from its attached network segment duringthe last polling interval that were forwarded toanother port on the bridge) by clicking theDelta/Percentage button at the bottom of thewindow (see Figure 3-3).Each corner of the bridge port summarizesactivity to another bridge port. You can displayForwarded To as a delta value (the total numberof frames forwarded by this bridge port to thespecified port on the bridge during the last pollinginterval) or as a percentage value (showing thepercentage of all frames received by the portduring the last polling interval that were forwardedto the specified port on the bridge) by clicking theDelta/Percentage button at the bottom of thewindow (see Figure 3-3).