Configuring Forwarding Thresholds3-40CSX Bridge View2. In the Modify Range section of the Forwarding Thresholds window, you canedit the line that displays the high end of the Low and Mid ranges, or you canuse the slide bars to specify the thresholds. You can also assign a color toeach of the three ranges. The Bridge Port entries on the Bridge Traffic Viewwill be colored according to the settings made here (i.e., if you assign thecolor red to the High traffic range, then a Bridge Port entry will be colored redwhen its traffic range is High). To set the high end of the Low and Mid ranges,and assign color codes to all three ranges:a. Change the upper limit of the Low and Mid traffic ranges by highlightingthe value, typing the new value, and pressing Enter or Return. You mayalso change the value by moving the slide bar next to the value you wishto change until the desired range is reached.b. By default, bridge ports are color coded in the Bridge Traffic Viewaccording to their traffic level: Low range is green; Mid range is yellow;High range is red. To assign color codes to the three traffic ranges, clickon the Low, Mid, or High buttons to the left of the range fields, drag tohighlight the desired color, and release. The selected color will bedisplayed on the button, and will be used in the Bridge Port entries whenthe color’s corresponding range is reached.3. In the Notification Options section, you can enable/disable threshold eventlogging, enable/disable the Bridge Port entry colors, and assign thresholdevents (send mail or execute a program) to the different (or to all) thresholdranges. To do so:a. To disable threshold event logging, deselect the Log Changes in Statecheckbox. By default, all threshold events are logged. For moreinformation about the Forwarding Log, see Viewing the Forwarding Logon page 3-41.b. To enable/disable the colors, click button 1 on the Color box. When colorsare disabled, the Bridge Port entry colors in the Bridge Traffic View remainas they were when the colors were last enabled.c. To send mail or execute a program when a threshold range is reached,first click the Threshold Range button to which you want to apply thethreshold event. To send mail for a threshold event, select the Send Mailbox and enter the name of a registered mail user. To have a thresholdevent launch a program, select the Execute Program (Args) box andenter the name of an executable file, including required arguments.4. Notification Conditions make your Notification Options subject to definedconditions:a. If you check the In—Out—In box, notification takes place when thethreshold passes from one range to another and then back. The numberin the Delay box specifies the number of times this transition is to takeplace before notification is launched. The Current box counts down thetransitions.b. If you select the Remain—In box, notification takes place when the