CSX WAN Configuration4-24Configuring the Frame Relay ProtocolConfiguring the CircuitsYou can change the configuration of the circuits from this window, as follows:1. Use the Set Selection button to specify the scope of interfaces to whichconfiguration changes will apply:a. Choose Selected Interfaces to apply changes only to those interfaceshighlighted in the scroll list.Click mouse button 1 to highlight one or more interfaces in the FrameRelay Circuits scroll list.b. Choose All Interfaces to apply changes to all WAN interfaces on thedevice that are configured for Frame Relay and that have defined circuits.2. To change the State, click on the selection box and a pull down menu willappear. Select invalid, active, or inactive, and release the mouse button.The new configuration will appear in the text box.3. To change the Committed Burst, highlight the current value in the text box,type in the maximum amount of data (in bits) that this circuit will agree totransfer under normal conditions during the committed time interval, andpress Enter/Return.4. To change the Excess Burst, highlight the current value in the text box, typein the maximum amount of uncommitted data (in bits) that this circuit willmake a best-effort attempt to deliver over the committed time interval, andpress Enter/Return.5. To change the Committed Information Rate (CIR), highlight the current valuein the text box, type the average number data rate (in bits/second) that thenetwork will agree to transfer across the User Network Interface in onedirection over the committed time interval under normal circumstances, andpress Enter/Return.6. Click on to save the changes or to restore the originalconfiguration.Adding CircuitsThe Add Frame Relay Circuits window allows you to add circuits to a frame relayinterface that does not support LMI (ansiT1617). To add a circuit:1. From the Frame Relay Circuit Table, click on . The Add FrameRelay Circuits window will be displayed.