CSX WAN Configuration4-8T1 Port Configurationclock source is used. You should set the Clock Source at your device according toyour WAN service provider’s instructions.Configuring the T1 Port1. To change the Line Code, click on the selection box and a pull down menuwill appear. Select B8ZS or AMI as appropriate, and release the mousebutton. The new configuration will appear in the text box.2. To change the Circuit Id, highlight the current entry in the text field, and typea new value in the text box.3. Click on to save the changes or to go back to the originalconfiguration.The new T1 interface configuration will be displayed in the window. Remember,these configuration changes are for reference purposes only, and they will not bephysically set at the device.Using the Fractional TableThe Fractional Table graphically represents how your Fractional T1 line is dividedfor use among the virtual interfaces. The Fractional Table allows you to maptimeslots on the T1 line to an individual interface or a group of interfaces. Thetimeslots should be used according to the mapping provided by your wide areacarrier.Figure 4-4 illustrates a sample configuration of a T1 connection that was setaccording to the mapping provided by the WAN service provider.Figure 4-4. Example Fractional Table ConfigurationTo configure the Fractional Table:1. Type the interface number into the boxes of the timeslots your wide areacarrier has assigned. In the preceding illustration, the wide area carrierassigned timeslots 1-12 for use on interface 2, and 13-24 for interface 4.2. When you are done assigning the timeslots, click on .The Fractional Table will now display the timeslots assigned to your interfaces.