Accessing the Bridge Traffic View Window3-7CSX Bridge ViewClicking mouse button 1 on the Bridge Traffic View Quit button closes all BridgeView windows.The Bridge Port DisplayEach Bridge Port entry in the Bridge Traffic View displays information about itscorresponding bridge port.The Bridge Port entry numbers are color-coded, reflecting their current status.Bridge Port entries for disabled bridge ports are colored blue. Enabled bridgeports are colored green, yellow, or red, depending on the range in which thetraffic volume through that port falls. See Configuring Forwarding Thresholds,page 3-38, for complete instructions on assigning traffic ranges and theircorresponding Bridge Port entry colors.Bridge Port entry fields are as follows:Port #The index number assigned to the bridge port. On CSX devices, index numbersare also assigned to every available virtual port. Virtual ports are detected on yourWAN interface(s).TypeThe bridge port’s interface type (e.g. ethernet-csmacd, fddi, ppp, token ring, etc.).MACThe MAC address of the interface associated with the port.The remaining information displayed in the Bridge Port entry depends onselections made using the buttons located at the bottom of the Bridge Traffic View.See the next section, Choosing Bridge Traffic Information: Bridge Traffic ViewButtons, for instructions on using these buttons.Choosing Bridge Traffic Information: Bridge Traffic View ButtonsIn addition to the Port Menu button, there are four buttons at the bottom of theBridge Traffic View. These four control the type of information that appears insome of the Bridge Port entry fields. (The Port number, Type, and MAC addressfields are not affected by any of these buttons.)NOTEThe Source Routing/Transparent Bridging button isn’t applicable to CSX200/400devices, as only Transparent Bridging is supported. The Source Routing option will begrayed out.