Order of PlayTracks recorded to the CD-R or CD-RW play in thefollowing order:• Play begins from the first track in the first playlistand continues sequentially through all tracks ineach playlist. When the last track of the last playlisthas played, play continues from the first track ofthe first playlist.− Playlists can be changed by pressingthe S c and c T folder buttons,the a knob, or the SEEK arrows.• Play begins from the first track in the first folder andcontinues sequentially through all tracks in eachfolder. When the last track of the last folderhas played, play continues from the first track of thefirst folder.When play enters a new folder, the display does notautomatically show the new folder name unlessthe folder mode has been chosen as the default display.The new track name displays.File System and NamingThe song name that displays is the song name that iscontained in the ID3 tag. If the song name is not presentin the ID3 tag, then the radio displays the file namewithout the extension (such as .mp3) as the track name.Track names longer than 32 characters or four pagesare shortened. Parts of words on the last page oftext and the extension of the filename does not display.Preprogrammed PlaylistsPreprogrammed playlists that were created usingWinAmp™, MusicMatch™, or Real Jukebox™ softwarecan be accessed, however, they cannot be editedusing the radio. These playlists are treated as specialfolders containing compressed audio song files. Playlistsmust have a file extension of PLS, M3U, or WPL.Playlists can be changed by using the S c and c Tfolder buttons, the a knob, or the SEEK arrows.Tracks cannot be changed. Songs are playedsequentially; press the s REV or \ FWD to reverseor advance through the currently playing song.4-104