Black plate (5,1)Cadillac CTS Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-6081492) - 2014 - CRC 1st Edition - 7/2/13Keys, Doors, and Windows 2-5Keyless Unlocking/Locking fromthe Passenger DoorsWhen the doors are locked and theRKE transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft)of the door handle, pressing thelock/unlock button on a passengerdoor handle will unlock all doors.Pressing the lock/unlock button willcause all doors to lock if any of thefollowing occur:. The lock/unlock button was usedto unlock all doors.. Any vehicle door has openedand all doors are now closed.Passive LockingThe Keyless Access system allowsfor selecting whether the doorsautomatically lock during normalvehicle exit. When the vehicle isturned off and all doors are closed,the vehicle will determine how manyRKE transmitters remain inside thevehicle. If at least one RKEtransmitter has been removed fromthe vehicle, or none remain in thevehicle interior, the doors will lockafter several seconds.Temporary Disable PassiveLocking FeatureTemporarily disable the passivelocking by pressing and holding Kon the interior door switch with adoor open for at least four seconds,or until three chimes are heard.Passive locking will then remaindisabled until Q on the interior dooris pressed, or until the vehicle isturned on.To customize the doors toautomatically lock when exiting thevehicle, see “Remote Lock, Unlock,Start” under Vehicle Personalizationon page 5-48.Keyless Trunk OpeningPress the touch pad on the trunkhandle to open the trunk if the RKEtransmitter is within 1 m (3 ft).Programming Transmitters tothe VehicleOnly RKE transmitters programmedto the vehicle will work. If atransmitter is lost or stolen, areplacement can be purchased andprogrammed through your dealer.The vehicle can be reprogrammedso that lost or stolen transmitters nolonger work. Each vehicle can haveup to eight transmitters matchedto it.Programming with a RecognizedTransmitterA new transmitter can beprogrammed to the vehicle whenthere is one recognized transmitter.To program, the vehicle must be offand all transmitters, both currentlyrecognized and new, must bewith you.1. Remove the vehicle key from therecognized transmitter.2. Place the recognizedtransmitter(s) in the cupholder.