Making a Copy With the Express Copy Basic Features Screen 7-197Using the Express Copy Basic Features Screen❑ Select the desired paper size.If you select the stack bypass, the screens for specifying the paper size and paper type inthe stack bypass are displayed.IMPORTANTThe paper source for nonstandard size paper, transparencies, or tab paper is grayed out andcannot be selected.Selecting the Copy Paper Size (Paper Select)For instructions on this procedure using the Regular Copy Basic Features screen, see "PaperSelection," on p. 1-12.IMPORTANTWhen printing on special types of paper, such as heavy paper or transparencies, be sure to correctly setthe paper type, especially if you are using heavy paper. If the type of paper is not set correctly, it couldadversely affect the quality of the image. Moreover, the fixing unit may become dirty, or the paper couldjam, and a service repair may be needed.1 Select the paper source.The paper sizes/types are indicated by icons on the touch panel display, in the order in whichthey are loaded in the paper drawers (Manual Paper Selection).Press [Auto] to set the machine to automatically select the copy paper size.To select the stack bypass for the current job, or to reserve the stack bypass for a reserved job,select [Stack Bypass Settings].