Displaying the Remaining Toner Error Message6-386System Manager SettingsDisplaying the Remaining Toner Error MessageYou can set the machine to display a message indicating that the remaining toner is low. Thismessage is useful because it gives a user plenty of time to check their toner stock, and ensurethe availability of replacement toner.NOTEFor instructions on erasing the Display Remaining Toner Error Message screen, see "Erasing theRemaining Toner Error Message," on p. 4-62.1 Press ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [Display Remaining Toner ErrorMessage].2 Select [On] or [Off] ➞ press [OK].Details of each item are shown below.[On]: Displays a warning message indicating that the remaining toner is low. This message isdisplayed when the remaining amount of toner is less than 10%. You can clear themessage screen by pressing [Done]; however, the message will be displayed every timethe machine returns from the Sleep mode, Energy Saver mode, and Low-Power mode,until the toner cartridge is replaced.[Off]: The warning message indicating that the remaining toner is low is not displayed.