List of Error Messages8-828 Troubleshooting# 853Cause 1 When trying to print a large number of pages, the job is not performed due to insufficientmemory resources.Remedy Reduce the number of pages to print, or perform the print job again when no other jobs arereserved.Cause 1 The job could not be processed, because it was canceled from the printer driver while theprint data was being sent to the machine.Remedy Try printing again.Cause 1 The spool memory is full when Use Spooler in Network Settings in System Settings (from theAdditional Functions screen) is set to 'On', therefore, data received from the host could not bespooled.Remedy Set Use Spooler in Network Settings in System Settings (from the Additional Functionsscreen) to 'Off', an d try sending the print data again. (See Chapter 3, "Using a TCP/IPNetwork," in the Network Guide.)Cause 1 The maximum number of receivable data exceeds the receive limit. (See Chapter 6,"Receiving Documents," in the Sending and Facsimile Guide.)Remedy Try printing the documents again after all current jobs are complete. If you still cannot print,check the sent dataCause 2 The number of secured documents exceeded the maximum limit that can be reserved at atime.Remedy Print or erase the secured documents that are stored in the machine, and try printing again.# 854Cause Device information could not be delivered because the client machine has Restrictions forReceiving Device Info. in Device Information Delivery Settings in System Settings (from theAdditional Functions screen) set to 'On'.Remedy Try delivering device information again after setting Restrictions for Receiving Device Info. inDevice Information Delivery Settings in System Settings (from the Additional Functionsscreen) to 'Off'.