13-12 Troubleshooting Chapter 13RECEIVED IN FILE(Continued)START AGAINTRY AGAIN IN B&WTX/RX CANCELLEDTX/RX NO.nnnnTX/RX NO.nnnnSCANNING P.nnnMEMORY FULL(Three messages toggle.)WAIT COOLING—#085————The MultiPASS StatusMonitor is not running.An error has occurred inthe telephone line or inthe system.You tried sending a colordocument to a machinethat does not supportcolor faxing.You pressed Stop tocancel the transmission.When the unit sends orreceives a fax, it assignsit a unique identificationnumber (nnnn).The unit is sending adocument and itsmemory is full.During printing, the BJcartridge print head mayhave become too hot.On the Windows® desktop,click Start and point toPrograms. On thePrograms menu, point toMultiPASS Suite, then clickMultiPASS Status Monitor.Start the procedure againfrom the beginning.Try sending again in black& white (1 p. 7-2).Alternatively, enable theCOLOR DIRECT TX setting.(1 p. 14-5)If required, try sendingagain.Write the number down ifyou will need it later.The unit continues to sendthe document as memorybecomes available.Allow the unit to cool down.The unit will resumeprinting when it has cooleddown.Message Error Code Cause Action