Chapter 13 Troubleshooting 13-7TroubleshootingLCD MessagesThe following messages are displayed in the LCD display when theMultiPASS C70 is performing a function or encounters an error. Theerror code appears in the Activity Report. (1 p. 11-5)AUTO REDIALBLACK INK EMPTYBUSY/NO SIGNAL——#005/018The unit is waiting toredial the other party’snumber because theline was busy or theother party did notanswer when you triedto send the document.The BCI-21 Black BJtank in the BC-21eColour BJ cartridge isempty or its ink mayhave dried out.The telephone numberyou dialled is busy.The fax number dialledwas incorrect.The other party’s faxmachine is notworking.Wait for the unit totry redialling. If thatdoes not work, waituntil the unit starts todial the number, thenpress the Stop buttonto cancel redialling.Try to send thedocument again at alater time.Clean the BJ cartridgeprint head(1 p. 12-17). If themessage remains inthe LCD display,replace the BJ tank(1 p. 12-26). The unitwill then printautomatically anyfaxes received inmemory.Try sending thedocument at a latertime.Check the fax numberand dial again.Contact the otherparty and have themcheck their faxmachine.Message Error Code Cause Action