D. Detecting the Waste Toner Feeding Screw (locking)If the waste toner pipe becomes stopped up by waste toner inside it and, as a result,the rotation of the feeding screw is hindered, waste toner can start to pour out becauseof feeding faults.To prevent such a problem, the machine is equipped with a feeding screw detectionmechanism.The gear A (Figure 4-210) used to drive the waste toner feeding screw becomessubject to force in the axial direction, and slides along the shaft.The movement of the gear A is monitored by the waste toner feeding screwdetecting switch (MS4). When MS4 is pushed by the gear A, the main motor (M1) willstop, and the DC controller will indicate ‘E013’ on the control panel.Figure 4-210 (rear view)Waste tonerWaste toner pipeWaste toner feeding screwCleaning assemblywaste toner feedingscrewCleaning assemblyDC controller PCBM1Gear AWaste toner feeding screw detecting(WTFL) J114B-1, 2Main motorWaste toner feedingscrew detection (MS4)When the waste tonerfeeding screw becomeslocked, the gear A willslide in the direction ofthe arrow.COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6350/NP6251 REV. 0 JULY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 4 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEM4-38Download service manual and resetter printer at http://printer1.blogspot.com