Inputs to the DC Controller (4/8)Figure 2-111PS30PS31PS32PS33PS34PS35PS36PS37PS38PS39J818-1-2-3J795-1-2-3J796-1-2-3J821-1-2-3J847-1-2-3J848-1-2-3J8491-1-2-3J798-1-2-3J797-9-8-7J116B-14-13-12J799-1-2-3-6-5-4J116B-11-10-9J849-1-2-3J8442-3-2-1J121B-3-2-1-3-2-1-9-8-7J121B-11-10-9J844-3-4-5J121A-8-7-6-6-7-8J121A-11-10-9-3-2-1J841-3-2-1J119A-8-7-6-8-7-6J116A-8-7-6J793-5-4-3J116A-3-4-5J816-5-4-3J130B-5-4-3+5V+5V+5V+5V+5V+5V+5V+5VPS30DJ8211RDLTPRDPDLDLTP/C2LTPLDPDPS36DRDEOP*LDELRDELPS33DJ8444 J8443When the left deck has reachedthe limiter, '1'.(When the light-blocking plate isat PS39.)Pick-up vertical path 4sensorRight deck lifterposition sensorRight deck papersensorPick-up vertical path 1sensorLeft deck lifter positionsensorLeft deck papersensorPick-up vertical path 2sensorRight deck open/closed sensorLeft deck limitersensorRight deck limitersensorDC controller PCBWhen PS30 has detected copypaper, '1'.(When the light-blocking plate isat PS30.)When PS31 has detected thelifter, '1'.(When the light-blocking plate isat PS31.)When PS32 has detected paper,'1'.(When the light-blocking plate isat PS32.)When PS33 has detected paper,'1'.(When the light-blocking plate isat PS33.)When PS34 has detected thelifter, '1'.(When the light-blocking plate isat PS34.)When PS35 has detected paper,'1'.(When the light-blocking plate isat PS35.)When PS36 has detected copypaper, '1'.(When the light-blocking plate isat PS36.)When the right deck hasreached the limiter, '1'.(When the light-blocking plate isat PS37.)When the right deck is open, '0'.(When the light-blocking plate isat PS38.)COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6350/NP6251 REV.0 JULY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 2 BASIC OPERATION2-16Download service manual and resetter printer at