17) Check that you can place a telephone call from the RDD to the computer in theservice station.Press the push switch 4 @0. LED6 @7 (red) should come on; it will go out whentransmission ends successfully, or will start to flash if transmission fails.Retransmission is executed in response to a press on the push switch 4 @0 whileLED6 @6 is flashing.Transmission is canceled in response to a press on the push switch 1 @7 while LED6@6 is flashing.Fig. 9-61618) Check that the communications between the RDD and the copier are executednormally.Connect the copier’s power plug, and switch it on to make sure that LED 2 @8(orange) flashes.Fig. 9-617LED1 LED2 LED321LED5LED6LED4 IC6SW1SW4SW361BAT1CN412CN3 CN2SW2@8LED1 LED2 LED321LED5LED6LED4 IC6SW1SW4SW361BAT1CN412CN3 CN2SW2@6@0@7COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6350/NP6251 REV. 0 JULY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 9 INSTALLATION9-64Download service manual and resetter printer at http://printer1.blogspot.com