Setting Up a Computer as a File Server5-225Using a NetBIOS Network• The machine's recipient settings:IMPORTANT• If you want to use [Browse] to specify each item, make sure you press [Browse]after the expiration of the time specified in "Startup Time Settings," on p. 3-50. (Thedefault setting startup time is '60 seconds'.)• Up to 128 alphanumeric characters can be entered for [Host Name] on the controlpanel. Up to 255 alphanumeric characters can be entered for [File Path], and up to20 alphanumeric characters can be entered for [User].• If you change the language of the touch panel display, [Host Name] and [File Path]may not be displayed correctly, or you may not be able to browse the directories.• If the language of the touch panel display differs from the computer used as amaster browser, [Host Name] and [File Path] may not be displayed correctly, or youmay not be able to browse the directories.NOTE• You can send data using the following formats. A DNS server is required for thelatter case:\\\share\\\share• You can also specify the user name in the address using the following format:domain_name\user_name (up to 15 alphanumeric characters for the domainname, and up to 20 for the user name)• For instructions on how to specify recipient address settings, see Chapter 2, "BasicSending Methods," in the Sending and Facsimile Guide.The Protocol drop-down list: Windows (SMB)[Host Name]: \\swan\share[File Path]: \Images[User]: (Not required if you have selected [Share-levelaccess control] in step 1)[Password]: Password entered in step 2.