3-22. Input the value 4 in the second cell, and then input theresult of 2 + 3 in the next cell.ewc+dw• You can also input the result of an expression or a complex number into a cell.• You can input values up to 999 cells in a single list.u To batch input a series of values1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to anotherlist.2. Press !*( { ), and then input the values you want,pressing , between each one. Press !/( } ) afterinputting the final value.!*( { )g,h,i!/( } )3. Press w to store all of the values in your list.w• Remember that a comma separates values, so you should not input a comma after the finalvalue of the set you are inputting.Right: {34, 53, 78}Wrong: {34, 53, 78,}You can also use list names inside of a mathematical expression to input values into anothercell. The following example shows how to add the values in each row in List 1 and List 2, andinput the result into List 3.1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the nameof the list where you want the calculation results to beinput.