2010080120100801ε-5Using the Setup Wizardk Using Setup Wizard to Configure a PhotoGate SetupConnection of a Vernier PhotoGate requires configuration of setup parameters that areslightly different from parameters for other types of sensors.• To configure a setup for PhotoGate alone1. Perform the first two steps of the procedure under “To configure an EA-200 setup usingSetup Wizard” on page ε-2.2. On the “Select Sensor” screen, select [VERNIER] - [Photogate] - [Gate].• This displays a screen where you specify whether PhotoGate is connected to the CH1or SONIC channel.3. Press 1 to specify CH1 or 2 to specify SONIC.• This causes a “Gate Status” screen to appear.• “Open” means the photo path is not blocked, while “Close” means the photo path isblocked.• The gate status defines what PhotoGate status should cause timing to start, and whatstatus should cause timing to stop.Open-Open ..............Timing starts when the gate opens, and continues until it closesand then opens again.Open-Close..............Timing starts when the gate opens, and continues until it closes.Close-Open..............Timing starts when the gate closes, and continues until it opens.Close-Close .............Timing starts when the gate closes, and continues until it opensand then closes again.4. Use function keys 1 through 4 to select a Gate Status setting.• Selecting a gate status causes a screen for specifying the number of samples toappear.5. Input an integer in the range of 1 to 255 to specify the number of samples.6. Perform step 10 under “To configure an EA-200 setup using Setup Wizard” on page ε-2to finalize the procedure.• To configure a setup for PhotoGate and Smart Pulley1. Perform the first two steps of the procedure under “To configure an EA-200 setup usingSetup Wizard” on page ε-2.2. On the “Select Sensor” screen, select [VERNIER] - [Photogate] - [Pulley].• This causes an “Input Distance(m)” screen to appear.• The distance you specify here is the distance the weight travels after it is released.• Input a value in the range of 0.1 to 4 to specify the distance in meters.3. Perform step 10 under “To configure an EA-200 setup using Setup Wizard” on page ε-2to finalize the procedure.