2-144. Function Calculationsk Function MenusThis calculator includes five function menus that give you access to scientific functions notprinted on the key panel.• The contents of the function menu differ according to the mode you entered from the MainMenu before you pressed the K key. The following examples show function menus thatappear in the Run-Matrix or Program mode.u Hyperbolic Calculations (HYPERBL) [OPTN]-[HYPERBL]• {sinh } / { cosh} / { tanh} ... hyperbolic {sine}/{cosine}/{tangent}• {sinh–1} / { cosh–1} / { tanh–1} ... inverse hyperbolic {sine}/{cosine}/{tangent}u Probability/Distribution Calculations (PROB) [OPTN]-[PROB]• {x!} ... {press after inputting a value to obtain the factorial of the value}• {nPr} / {nCr} ... {permutation}/{combination}• {RAND } ... {random number generation}• {Ran# } / { Int } / { Norm } / { Bin } / { List } ... {random number generation (0 to 1)}/{random integergeneration}/{random number generation in accordance with normal distribution basedon mean and standard deviation }/{random number generation in accordance withbinomial distribution based on number of trials n and probability p}/{random numbergeneration (0 to 1) and storage of result in ListAns}• {P (}/ { Q (}/ { R (} ... normal probability {P(t)}/{Q(t)}/{R(t)}• {t(} ... {value of normalized variate t(x)}u Numeric Calculations (NUMERIC) [OPTN]-[NUMERIC]• {Abs } ... {select this item and input a value to obtain the absolute value of the value}• {Int} / { Frac } ... select the item and input a value to extract the {integer}/{fraction} part.• {Rnd} ... {rounds off the value used for internal calculations to 10 significant digits (to matchthe value in the answer memory), or to the number of decimal places (Fix) and numberof significant digits (Sci) specified by you}• {Intg} ... {select this item and input a value to obtain the largest integer that is not greaterthan the value}• {RndFix} ... {rounds off the value used for internal calculations to specified digits (0 to 9) (seepage 2-2)}• {GCD} ... {greatest common divisor for two values}• {LCM} ... {least common multiple for two values}• {MOD } ... {remainder of division (remainder output when n is divided by m)}• {MOD_Exp } ... {remainder when division is performed on a power value (remainder outputwhen n is raised to p power and then divided by m)}