8-598. CASIO Scientific Function Calculator SpecialCommands ⇔ Text Conversion TableThe table below shows the special text strings that correspond to commands when convertingbetween programs and text files. For details about the operations for converting betweenprograms and text files, see “Converting Programs and Text Files” (page 8-7).Important!• Converting a program that contains the types of commands described below to a text file willcause the commands to be converted to text strings with underbar (_) characters appendedat the beginning and end, as shown in the table below.- A command enclosed in quotation marks (" ")- A command in a comment line, which is a line that begins with a single quotation mark (')Note that non-command alpha-numeric characters in a program that are enclosed in quotationmarks (" ") or are in a comment line are output to the text file as-is.Example:In the program: In the text file (after conversion):"" ˝ _Theta_ ˝"Theta"*1 ˝ Theta ˝"Tmax"*2 ˝ _TThetamax_ ˝"TThetamax"*1 ˝ TThetamax ˝"or"*3 ˝ _or_ ˝"or"*1 ˝ or ˝* 1 Non-command alpha-numeric characters*2 V-Window Tmax command*3 Logical operator orConverting from a text file to a program converts the special character strings back to theircorresponding commands, shown above.• When converting a program that contains special characters input using 6(CHAR) whenediting the program on the calculator, the special characters will be converted to characterstring codes as shown below.Example:In the program: In the text file (after conversion):λ #E54A #E5A51 #E5F0 #E641` #E69C⇔ #E6D6These codes are not included in the tables on the pages 8-60 through 8-65.