8-49• Compound InterestNote:• P/Y and C/Y can be omitted for all compound interest calculations. When they are omitted,calculations are performed using P/Y=12 and C/Y=12.• If you perform a calculation that uses a compound interest function (Cmpd_n(, Cmpd_I%(,Cmpd_PV(, Cmpd_PMT(, Cmpd_FV(), the argument(s) you input and the calculation resultswill be saved to the applicable variables (n, I%, PV, etc.). If you perform a calculation thatuses any other type of financial calculation function, the argument and calculation results arenot assigned to variables.Cmpd_n: Returns the number of compound periods.Syntax: Cmpd_n(I%, PV, PMT, FV, P/Y, C/Y)Cmpd_I%: Returns the annual interest.Syntax: Cmpd_I%(n , PV, PMT, FV, P/Y, C/Y)Cmpd_PV: Returns the present value (loan amount for installment payments, principal forsavings).Syntax: Cmpd_PV(n, I%, PMT, FV, P/Y, C/Y)Cmpd_PMT: Returns equal input/output values (payment amounts for installment payments,deposit amounts for savings) for a fixed period.Syntax: Cmpd_PMT(n, I%, PV, FV, P/Y, C/Y)Cmpd_FV: Returns the final input/output amount or total principal and interest.Syntax: Cmpd_FV(n , I%, PV, PMT, P/Y, C/Y)• Cash Flow (Investment Appraisal)Cash_NPV: Returns the net present value.Syntax: Cash_NPV(I%, Csh)Cash_IRR: Returns the internal rate of return.Syntax: Cash_IRR(Csh)Cash_PBP: Returns the payback period.Syntax: Cash_PBP(I%, Csh)Cash_NFV: Returns the net future value.Syntax: Cash_NFV(I%, Csh)• AmortizationAmt_BAL: Returns the remaining principal balance following payment PM2.Syntax: Amt_BAL(PM1, PM2, I%, PV, PMT, P/Y, C/Y)Amt_INT: Returns the interest paid for payment PM1.Syntax: Amt_INT(PM1, PM2, I%, PV, PMT, P/Y, C/Y)Amt_PRN: Returns the principal and interest paid for payment PM1.Syntax: Amt_PRN(PM1, PM2, I%, PV, PMT, P/Y, C/Y)