2-18Ran# ExamplesExample OperationRan#(Generates a random number.)K6( g) 3(PROB)4(RAND)1(Ran#) w(Each press of w generates a new randomnumber.)wwRan# 1(Generates the first random number insequence 1.)(Generates the second random number insequence 1.)K6( g) 3(PROB)4(RAND)1(Ran#) 1wwRan# 0(Initializes the sequence.)Ran# 1(Generates the first random number insequence 1.)1(Ran#) 0w1(Ran#) 1wRanList# ExamplesExample OperationRanList# (4)(Generates four random numbers anddisplays the result on the ListAns screen.)K6( g) 3(PROB)4(RAND)5(List)4)wRanList# (3, 1)(Generates from the first to the third randomnumbers of sequence 1 and displays theresult on the ListAns screen.)K6( g) 3(PROB)4(RAND)5(List)3,1)w(Next, generates from the fourth to the sixthrandom number of sequence 1 and displaysthe result on the ListAns screen.)wRan# 0(Initializes the sequence.)1(Ran#) 0wRanList# (3, 1)(Re-generates from the first to the thirdrandom numbers of sequence 1 and displaysthe result on the ListAns screen.)5(List) 3,1)w