Beginning Metric Style Final Metric Style Resulting IS-IS Metric Valuenarrow wide original valuenarrow transition original valuenarrow narrow transition original valuenarrow wide transition original valuetransition wide original valuetransition narrow original valuetransition narrow original valuetransition wide transition original valuenarrow transition wide original valuenarrow transition narrow original valuenarrow transition wide transition original valuenarrow transition transition original valuewide transition wide original valuewide transition narrow default value (10) if the originalvalue is greater than 63. A messageis sent to the console.wide transition narrow transition default value (10) if the originalvalue is greater than 63. A messageis sent to the console.wide transition transition truncated value (the truncatedvalue appears in the LSP only). Theoriginal isis metric value isdisplayed in the show config andshow running-configcommands and is used if youchange back to transition metricstyle.Moving to transition and then to another metric style produces different results.Table 42. Metric Value when the Metric Style Changes Multiple TimesBeginning MetricStyle Next Metric Style Resulting MetricValue Next Metric Style Final Metric Valuewide transition truncated value wide original value isrecoveredwide transition transition truncated value wide transition original value isrecoveredIntermediate System to Intermediate System 605