The power inline command has the following parameters:• max_milliwatts — (OPTIONAL) Specify the maximum inline power that is allocated to a powereddevice connected to the interface. The range if from 440 to 30000 mW. When you do not configure apower value, the system uses the default value (30000 mW).NOTE: The max_milliwatts option only works when you use Static Management mode. Whenyou enable Class mode, the max_milliwatts option has no effect on the interface. Forinformation about Class Power Management mode, seeConfiguring Power Management Mode - Class and Static Mode.• priority — Enter the keyword priority to configure the powered device to connect to theinterface.• critical — Enter the keyword critical to set the PoE priority level as critical.• high — Enter the keyword high to set the PoE priority level as high.• low — Enter the keyword low to set the PoE priority level as low. By default, all ports are set to lowpriority.• Configure the maximum power allocation and priority for the powered device connected to a portextender interface.Interface Modepower inline {[max_milliwatts] | priority {critical | high | low}}The following example sets the maximum allocated power to interface peGigE 255/0/1 3000 mW.Example of Setting the Maximum Allocated Power to an InterfaceDell(conf)#interface peGigE ?PE-ID/UNIT/PORT PE Gigabit Ethernet interface numberDell(conf)#int peGigE 0/0/1Dell(conf-if-pegi-255/0/1)#power inline ?<440-30000> Max milliwatts (default = 30000)priority Configure poe priorityDell(conf-if-pegi-0/0/1)#power inline 30000Example of Setting the Priority to CriticalThe following example sets the priority on interface peGigE 255/0/1 to critical.Dell(conf-if-pegi-255/0/1)#power inlineDell(conf-if-pegi-255/0/1)#power inline priority ?critical Critical priorityhigh High prioritylow Low priority (default)Dell(conf-if-pegi-0/0/1)#power inline priority criticalExample of Displaying PoE Power Allocation on a Port ExtenderThe following example displays the PoE power allocation to power devices by the port extender, using theshow power inline {pe pe—id stack-unit unit-number | interface interface} command.For a description of the fields, see Displaying PoE Power Allocation. For information about displaying inlinepower consumption on a port extender, see Displaying Power Consumption on the Port Extender.Dell#show power inline pe 255 stack-unit 0Global inline power Threshold : 99Power over Ethernet (PoE) 878