Dell PowerConnect 55xx Systems User Guide 329FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Maintenance Projects\DellContax\sources\CxUGSystemConfig.fmD E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A R Y 1 0 / 3 0 / 1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY• Global — A globally unique IPv6 address; visible and reachablefrom different subnets.– Link Local Interface — When the server supports an IPv6 Link Localaddress, this specifies the Link Local interface. The possible optionsare:• VLAN — The VLAN on which the IPv6 interface is configured.• ISATAP — The IPv6 interface is configured on an ISATAPtunnel.– SNMP Management Station — Enter the management station IPaddress for which the SNMP community is defined, or choose All tobe able to receive SNMP messages from anywhere.– Community String (1-20 Characters) — Enter the community string,which functions as a password, and is used to authenticate themanagement station to the device.4 To associate access mode and views directly with the community, enter thefields:– Basic — Check to enable SNMP Basic mode for a selectedcommunity.– Access Mode — If Basic is selected, specify the access rights of thecommunity. The possible options are:• Read-Only — Management access is restricted to read-only, andchanges cannot be made to the community.• Read-Write — Management access is read-write and changes canbe made to the device configuration, but not to the community.• SNMP Admin — User has access to all device configurationoptions, as well as permissions to modify the community.– View Name — Select a view from a list of user-defined SNMP views.The view determines other characteristics associated with thecommunity.5 To use Advanced mode, enter the fields:– Advanced — When SNMP Advanced mode is selected, you can selectan SNMP group to specify the SNMP access control rules for theselected community. The SNMP Advanced mode is defined only withSNMPv3.