Dell PowerConnect 55xx Systems User Guide 345FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Maintenance Projects\DellContax\sources\CxUGSystemConfig.fmD E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A R Y 1 0 / 3 0 / 1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY• The configuration file specified by the line does not exist on theUSB key or is corrupted.• The image file specified by the line does not exist on the USB keyor is corrupted.– If parsing of the line failed for some other reason, the line is ignoredand a SYSLOG message is sent.NOTE: When both Auto-Update and Auto-Configuration are performed, the imagefile is loaded first, the device is booted and then the configuration file is loaded.Preparations for Using Auto Configuration from a TFTP ServerThe Auto-Update/Configuration feature enables configuring the device froma configuration file found on the TFTP server.Two methods may be used:• One-file Read, described in "Auto Configuration (One File Read Method)"on page 345. This method is used if a configuration file is found on theTFTP server.• Multi-file Read, described in "Auto Configuration (Multi File ReadMethod)" on page 346. This method is used if a configuration file name isnot found on the DHCP server, or the configuration file is not found onthe TFTP server.Auto Configuration (One File Read Method)This method requires the following preparations on the DHCP and TFTPservers:• TFTP ServerPlace a configuration file, for example config.txt in the main directory.This file can be created by copying a configuration file from a device.When the device is booted this becomes the Running configuration file.• DHCP Server– Configure the DHCP server with option 67 and the name of theconfiguration file on the TFTP server (for example, config.txt).– Configure the DHCP server with option -20 or 66. This is the IPaddress of the TFTP server.