Dell PowerConnect 55xx Systems User Guide 497FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Maintenance Projects\DellContax\sources\CxUGSwitching_VLAN.fmD E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A R Y 1 0 / 3 0 / 1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY– Associate Primary VLAN — If the Private VLAN type is Isolated,check to associate the isolated VLAN with a primary VLAN, thusallowing traffic between isolated and promiscuous ports.– Primary VLAN ID — Select a VLAN to be associated with theisolated VLAN.4 To assign ports to the private VLAN, click Membership.5 Select a Primary VLAN ID.6 Select a Isolated VLAN ID.7 Select the ports to be assigned to each VLAN, and assign each port/LAG aport type in the Admin row of ports/LAGs. The possible options are:– H - Host (Isolated) — Port is isolated.– P - Promiscuous — Port is promiscuous.– C - Conditional (operational state depends on Port VLAN Mode) —Port receives the Port VLAN type set in the VLAN Port Settings page.See "Port Modes" on page 470 for a description of the various port modes.Configuring Private VLAN Using CLI CommandsThe following table summarizes the CLI commands for configuring privateVLANs.Table 14-6. Private VLAN CLI CommandsCLI Command Descriptionprivate-vlan{primary|isolated}no private-vlanConfigures a private VLAN.Use the no form of this command toreturn the VLAN to normal VLANconfiguration.private-vlan association[add|remove] secondary-vlan-listno private-vlan associationConfigures the association between theprimary VLAN and the secondaryVLANs.Use the no form of this command toremove the association.