578 Dell PowerConnect 55xx Systems User GuideFILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Maintenance Projects\DellContax\sources\CxUGSwitching_DHCP.fmD E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A R Y 1 0 / 3 0 / 1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LYThe following table summarizes the CLI commands for configuring DHCPsnooping global parameters .Table 19-2. DHCP Snooping Global Parameters CLI CommandsCLI Command Descriptionip dhcp snoopingno ip dhcp snoopingGlobally enables DHCP snooping.Use the no form of this command toreturn to the default setting.ip dhcp snooping informationoption allowed-untrustedno ip dhcp snooping informationoption allowed-untrustedAllows a device to accept DHCPpackets with option-82 informationfrom an untrusted port.Use the no form of this command toreturn to the default setting.ip dhcp snooping verifyno ip dhcp snooping verifyConfigures the switch to verify on anuntrusted port that the source MACaddress in a DHCP packet matches theclient hardware address.Use the no form of this command toconfigure the switch to not verify theMAC addresses.ip dhcp snooping databaseno ip dhcp snooping databaseConfigures the DHCP snoopingbinding file.Use the no form of this command todelete the binding file.ip dhcp snooping databaseupdate-freq secondsno ip dhcp snooping databaseupdate-freqConfigures the update frequency ofthe DHCP snooping binding file.Use the no form of this command toreturn to default.show ip dhcp snooping[[gigabitethernet|tengigabitethernet] port-number|port-channelLAG-number]Displays the DHCP snoopingconfiguration.