242 Monitoring and Logging System InformationTo view the log messages in the system startup and operational log files, youmust download the log files to an administrative host. For more informationabout downloading files, see "Managing Images and Files" on page 363.What Is the Log Message Format?The first part of the log message up to the first left bracket is fixed by theSyslog standard (RFC 3164). The second part up to the two percent signs isstandardized for all Dell PowerConnect logs. The variable text of the logmessage follows. The log message is limited to 96 bytes.Each log message uses the following format:• PRI—This consists of the facility code (see RFC 3164) multiplied by 8 andadded to the severity. The log messages use the local7 facility code (23).• Timestamp—This is the system up time. For systems that use SNTP, thisis UTC. When time zones are enabled, local time will be used.• Host IP address—This is the IP address of the local system.• Stack ID —This is the assigned stack ID. The number 1 is used for systemswithout stacking ability. The top of stack is used to collect messages for theentire stack.• Component name—The component name for the logging component.Component “UNKN” is substituted for components that do not identifythemselves to the logging component.• Thread ID—The thread ID of the logging component.• File name —The name of the file containing the invoking macro.• Line number —The line number which contains the invoking macro.