566 Configuring Access Control ListsConfiguring an IPv6 ACLBeginning in Privileged EXEC mode, use the following commands to createan IPv6 ACL, configure rules for the ACL, and bind the ACL to an interface.show mac access-lists[name]Display all MAC access lists and all of the rules that aredefined for the MAC ACL. Use the optionalnameparameter to identify a specific MAC ACL to display.Command Purposeconfigure Enter global configuration mode.ipv6 access-listname Create a named IPv6 ACL. This command also enters IPv6Access List Configuration mode. If an IPv6 ACL with thisname already exists, this command enters the mode toupdate the existing ACL.{permit | deny} {every |{{icmp | igmp | ipv6 |tcp | udp |number}{any |source ipv6prefix/prefix length} [eq{portkey |portvalue}]{any |destination ipv6prefix/prefix length} [eq{portkey |portvalue}][flow-labelvalue] [dscpdscp]}} [log] [time-rangetime-range-name][assign-queuequeue-id][{mirror | redirect}interface]Specify the match conditions for the IPv6 access list.• deny | permit — Specifies whether the IP ACL rulepermits or denies an action.• every — Allows all protocols.•number — Standard protocol number or protocolkeywords icmp, igmp, ipv6, tcp, udp.•source ipv6 prefix — IPv6 prefix in IPv6 global addressformat.•prefix-length — IPv6 prefix length value.• eq — Equal. Refers to the Layer 4 port number beingused as a match criteria. The first reference is sourcematch criteria, the second is destination match criteria.•portkey — Or you can specify the portkey, which can beone of the following keywords: domain, echo, efts,ftpdata, http, smtp, snmp, telnet, tftp, and www.•portvalue — The source layer 4 port match condition forthe ACL rule is specified by the port value parameter.(Range: 0–65535).Command Purpose