Configuring L2 Multicast Features 767console#show bridge multicast address-tableForbidden ports for multicast addresses:Vlan MAC Address Ports---- ----------------------- ------------------100 0100.5E01.0101100 0100.5E01.0102When the video server sends multicast data to group, Port 1participates and receives multicast traffic, but Port 2 does not participatebecause it is a member of a different multicast group. Without IGMPsnooping, all ports that are members of VLAN 100 would be flooded withtraffic for all multicast groups, which would greatly increase the amount oftraffic on the switch.Configuring MVRIn this example, ports 1, 2, 8, and 9 are connected to hosts that occasionallyrequest multicast data by sending IGMP join requests. These ports areconfigured as MVR receiver ports so that they can be treated as members ofVLAN 99, the multicast VLAN, to receive multicast traffic.Ports 1 and 2 are members of VLAN 10, and ports 8 and 9 are members ofVLAN 20. Port 24 connects the switch to the rest of the LAN, including themulticast router.The switch is configured to operate in MVR dynamic mode. This mode allowsport 24, the MVR source port, to dynamically join the multicast group bysending an IGMP join message tagged with the MVR VLAN to the multicastrouter. In MVR compatible mode, the source port does not send IGMP joinrequests to the multicast router. When the switch operates in dynamic MVRmode, the multicast router does not need to be statically configured on thesource port to receive the multicast data stream.Vlan MAC Address Type Ports---- ----------------- ------- ---------100 0100.5E01.0101 Dynamic Gi1/0/1100 0100.5E01.0102 Dynamic Gi1/0/2