Configuring SNMP 359Traps are enabled.Authentication trap is enabled.Version 1,2 notificationsVersion 3 notificationsSystem Contact:System Location:Configuring SNMPv3This example shows how to complete a basic SNMPv3 configuration. Thecommands create a view that includes objects from theinternet MIB subtree(OID, which includes all objects on the switch.The user namedadmin has read-write privileges to all objects within the view(in other words, all objects on the switch) after supplying the appropriateauthentication credentials (secretkey).To configure the switch:1 Configure the view.view_snmpv3 and specify the objects to include.console#configureconsole(config)#snmp-server view view_snmpv3internet included2 Create the groupgroup_snmpv3 and allow read-write access to the viewconfigured in the previous step.console(config)#snmp-server group group_snmpv3 v3auth read view_snmpv3 write view_snmpv3Community-String Group Name IP Address----------------- -------------- ------------private DefaultWrite Allpublic DefaultRead AllTarget Addr. Type Community Version UDPPortFilterNameTOSecRetries------------ ---- --------- ---- ----- ----- --- ------- Trap public 1 162Target Addr. Type Username SecurityLevelUDPPortFilterNameTOSecRetries------------ ---- --------- ------- ----- ----- --- -------