320 Managing General System SettingsSetting the System Time and Date ManuallyBeginning in Privileged EXEC mode, use the following commands toconfigure the time and date, time zone, and summer time settings.Command Purposeclock set {mm/dd/yyyyhh:mm:ss} |{hh:mm:ssmm/dd/yyyyConfigure the time and date. You can enter the time firstand then the date, or the date and then the time.•hh:mm:ss —Time in hours (24-hour format, from 01-24),minutes (00-59), and seconds (00-59).•mm/dd/yyyy — Two digit month (1-12), two-digit date ofthe month (01-31), and four-digit year.clock timezone hours-offsethours-offset[minutesminutes-offset] [zoneacronym]Configure the time zone settings.•hours-offset — Hours difference from UTC. (Range: –12 to+13)•minutes-offset — Minutes difference from UTC. (Range:0–59)•acronym — The acronym for the time zone. (Range: Up tofour characters)clock summer-timerecurring {usa | eu |{week day monthhh:mm week daymonth hh:mm}}[offsetoffset] [zoneacronym]Use this command if the summer time starts and ends everyyear based on a set pattern.For switches located in the United States or EuropeanUnion, use the usa or eu keywords to use the preconfiguredvalues. Otherwise, configure the start and end times by usingthe following values:•week — Week of the month. (Range: 1–5, first, last)•day — Day of the week. (The first three letters by name)•month — Month. (The first three letters by name; jan, forexample.)•hh:mm — Time in 24-hour format in hours and minutes.(Range: hh: 0–23, mm: 0–59)•offset — Number of minutes to add during thesummertime. (Range:1–1440)•acronym — The acronym for the time zone to be displayedwhen summertime is in effect. (Up to four characters)