562 Configuring Access Control ListsConfiguring ACLs (CLI)This section provides information about the commands you use to create andconfigure ACLs. For more information about the commands, see thePowerConnect M6220/M6348/M8024/M8024-k CLI Reference Guide atsupport.dell.com/manuals.Configuring an IPv4 ACLBeginning in Privileged EXEC mode, use the following commands to createan IPv4 ACL, configure rules for the ACL, and bind the ACL to an interface.NOTE: The ip access-group command can be issued in Global Configurationmode or Interface configuration mode. If it is applied in Global Configurationmode, the ACL binding is applied to all interfaces. If it is applied in InterfaceConfiguration mode, it is applied only to the specified interfaces within the mode.Command Purposeconfigure Enter global configuration mode.access-listname {deny |permit} {every | {[icmp| igmp | ip | tcp | udp |number] {srcip srcmask| any} [eq [portkey |portvalue]] {dstipdstmask | any} [eq[portkey | portvalue]][precedenceprecedence| tostos tosmask | dscpdscp] [log] [time-rangetime-range-name][assign-queuequeue-id][redirectinterface |mirrorinterface]}}Create a named ACL (if it does not already exist) andcreate a rule for the named ACL. If the ACL already exists,this command creates a new rule for the ACL.•list-name — Access-list name up to 31 characters inlength.• deny | permit — Specifies whether the IP ACL rulepermits or denies an action.• every — Allows all protocols.• eq — Equal. Refers to the Layer 4 port number beingused as match criteria. The first reference is source matchcriteria, the second is destination match criteria.•number — Standard protocol number. Protocol keywordsicmp, igmp, ip, tcp, udp.•srcip — Source IP address.•srcmask — Source IP mask.•dstip — Destination IP address.•dstmask — Destination IP mask.