488 Configuring a Captive PortalConfiguration OverviewThe following steps provide an overview of the process you use to configurethe Captive Portal feature.To configure the switch:1. If you plan to use a RADIUS server for authentication, configure theRADIUS server settings on the switch.2. If authentication is required, configure the user groups to associate witheach Captive Portal.3. Create (add) the Captive Portals.4. Configure the Captive Portal settings for each Captive Portal, such as theverification mode.5. Associate interfaces with the Captive Portal instances.6. Download the branding images, such as the company logo, to the switch.The images you download must be accessible from the switch, either onthe system you use to manage the switch or on a server that is on the samenetwork as the switch.7. Customize the authentication, logout, and logout success web pages that aCaptive Portal user will see.Dell recommends that you use Use Dell OpenManage Administrator tocustomize the Captive Portal authentication, logout, and logout successpages. A Preview button is available to allow you to see the pages that aCaptive Portal user will see.8. If you use the local database for user authentication, configure the users onthe switch.9. If you use a RADIUS server for authentication, add the users to thedatabase on the RADIUS server.10. Associate interfaces with the Captive Portal instances.11. Globally enable Captive Portal.NOTE: You must use the web interface to download images.