404 Monitoring Switch TrafficThe packet that is copied to the destination port is in the same format as theoriginal packet on the wire. This means that if the mirror is copying a receivedpacket, the copied packet is VLAN tagged or untagged as it was received onthe source port. If the mirror is copying a transmitted packet, the copiedpacket is VLAN tagged or untagged as it is being transmitted on the sourceport.Why is Traffic Monitoring Needed?Monitoring the traffic that the switch handles, as well as monitoring all trafficin the network, can help provide information about network performance andutilization. This information can be useful in network planning and resourceallocation. Information about traffic flows can also help troubleshootproblems in the network.Default Traffic Monitoring ValuesThe sFlow agent is enabled by default, but sampling and polling are disabledon all ports. Additionally, no sFlow receivers (collectors) are configured.Table 15-1 contains additional default values for the sFlow feature.RMON is enabled by default, but no RMON alarms, events, or historystatistic groups are configured.Port mirroring is disabled, and no ports are configured as source or destinationports.NOTE: You can create a DiffServ policy class definition that mirrors specific typesof traffic to a destination port. For more information, see "Configuring DifferentiatedServices" on page 1097.Table 15-1. sFlow DefaultsParameter Default ValueReceiver timeout for sampling 0Receiver port 6343Receiver Maximum Datagram Size 1400 bytesMaximum header size 128 bytes