106 Using Console Redirectionw w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o mFrequently Asked QuestionsTable 6-4 lists frequently asked questions and answers.Table 6-3. Other Console Redirection Page ButtonsButton ActionPrint Prints the Console Redirection page.Refresh Reloads the Console Redirection page.Table 6-4. Using Console Redirection: Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestion AnswerI have just installed the SunJava Runtime Environment ona management station runningthe Microsoft® Windows® XPoperating system. Do I have toreboot the system?You must reboot your system after you install the Sun Java RuntimeEnvironment to complete the installation.Why doesn’t the default videodriver for Novell® Netware®6.5 work correctly at 800x600screen resolution when usingconsole redirection?To correct this problem, go to the screen resolution setting and selectATI RADEON VE, 32MB. The resolution selection is not limited to1024x768. Do not select any resolution higher than 1024x768. ConsoleRedirection supports these resolutions: 640x480, 800x600, and1024x768.During console redirection, thekeyboard and mouse becamelocked after coming back fromhibernation on a Windows2000 system. What caused thisto happen?To resolve this issue, you must reset the DRAC 4 by running the racadmracreset command. If the problem is still not resolved, you must reset theDRAC 4 by running the racadm racreset hard command.During console redirection, themouse became locked aftercoming back from hibernationon a Windows 2003 system.Why did this happen?To resolve this issue, select a different operating system than Windowsfor mouse acceleration from the virtual KVM (vKVM) window pull-down menu, wait 5 to 10 seconds, and then select Windows again. If theproblem is not resolved, you must reset the DRAC 4 by running theracadm racreset command.If the problem is still not resolved, you must reset the DRAC 4 byrunning the racadm racreset hard command.Why does the remote consoleget a blank screen in BIOS orDOS?You may have an old version of the ATI video BIOS or a bad ATI chip.