Managing and Recovering a Remote System 75Using the DRAC 4 LogThe DRAC 4 Log is a persistent log maintained in the DRAC 4 firmware. The log contains a listof user actions (such as log in and log out) and alerts issued by the DRAC 4. The oldest entriesare overwritten when the log becomes full. If the DRAC 4 loses communication with themanaged system, all entries that the DRAC 4 would have added to the SEL, such as a powerfailure, are added to the DRAC 4 Log until communication is re-established.The DRAC 4 Log provides the information in Table 4-25.Using the DRAC 4 Log Page ButtonsThe DRAC 4 Log page provides the following buttons (see Table 4-26).Table 4-25. Status Indicator IconsIcon DescriptionA green check mark indicates a healthy (normal) status condition.A yellow triangle containing an exclamation point indicates a warning (noncritical)status condition.A red X indicates a critical (failure) status condition.A blank space indicates that the status is unknown.Date/ Time The date and time (for example, Sat Dec 19 16:55:47 2004). When the DRAC 4 isunable to communicate with the managed system, the letters DSU (DRAC 4 start up)appear before the time, followed by the time elapsed since the DRAC 4 was started.User The name of the user logging into the DRAC 4.ID The event identification number of the message displayed.Description A brief description of the event.Table 4-26. DRAC 4 Log ButtonsButton ActionPrint Prints the DRAC 4 Log page.Clear Log Clears the DRAC 4 Log entries.NOTE: The Clear Log button only appears if you have Clear Logs permission.Save As Opens a pop-up window that enables you to save the DRAC 4 Log to a directory ofyour choice.Refresh Reloads the DRAC 4 Log page.