164 racadm Subcommand Man Pagesw w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o mnetstatNOTE: To use this command, you must have Execute Diagnostic Commands permission.Table A-19 describes the netstat subcommand.Synopsisracadm netstat [<network interface number>]pingNOTE: To use this command, you must have Execute Diagnostic Commands orConfigure DRAC 4 permission.Table A-20 describes the ping subcommand.Synopsisracadm ping <ipaddress>setniccfg/getniccfgNOTE: To use the setniccfg command, you must have Configure DRAC 4 permission.NOTE: To use the getniccfg command, you must have Log In To DRAC 4 permission.Table A-21 describes the setniccfg and getniccfg subcommands.Table A-19. netstatSubcommand Definitionnetstat Prints the contents of the routing table. If the optional interface number is provided,then netstat prints additional information regarding the traffic across the interface,buffer usage, and other network interface information.Table A-20. pingSubcommand Definitionping Verifies that the destination IP address is reachable from the DRAC 4 with thecurrent routing-table contents. A destination IP address is required. An ICMP echopacket is sent to the destination IP address based on the current routing-table contents.