Configuring the DRAC 4 to Use a Serial or Telnet Text Console 554 Configure the COM port settings as shown in Table 3-6.5 Click OK.6 Click File → Properties → and click the Settings tab.7 Set the Telnet terminal ID: to ANSI.8 Click Terminal Setup and set Screen Rows to 26.9 Set Columns to 80 and click OK.The HyperTerminal window displays a command prompt such as [DRAC 4\root]#.When the command prompt appears, your connection is successful and you are ready toconnect to the managed system console using the connect com2 serial command.Configuring Red Hat Enterprise Linux XTerm for Telnet Console RedirectionNOTE: When you are using the connect com2 command through a telnet console to display the SystemSetup screens, set the terminal type to ANSI in System Setup and for the telnet session.When running telnet with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, perform the following steps:NOTE: To ensure that the text is properly displayed, Dell recommends that you use an Xterm window todisplay the telnet console instead of the default window provided by the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation.1 To start a new Xterm session, type xterm & at the command prompt.2 Drag the lower right-hand corner of the window to resize it to 80 x 25 prior to using telnet.This can be done by dragging the lower-right-corner with the mouse.Red Hat Enterprise Linux Xterm is now ready to connect by telnet to the managed system DRAC 4.To connect to the DRAC 4, at the Xterm prompt, type telnet <DRAC 4 IP address>.Table 3-6. Management Station COM Port SettingsSetting Description Required SettingBits per second: 115200Data bits: 8Parity: NoneStop bits: 1Flow control: Hardware