132 Using the serial and racadm Commandsw w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m racadm Subcommand DescriptionsThe following subsections provide descriptions of subcommands that you can run under the racadmCLI. Table 8-5 briefly describes each racadm subcommand. For a detailed listing of every racadmsubcommand including syntax and valid entries, see the "racadm Subcommand Man Pages."Table 8-5. racadm SubcommandsCommand Descriptionhelp Lists DRAC 4 subcommands.help Lists usage statement for the specified subcommand.clearasrscreen Clears the last System Reset Timer screen (last blue screen).config/getconfig Configures the DRAC 4 and displays the DRAC 4 configuration.coredump Displays the last DRAC 4 coredump.coredumpdelete Deletes the coredump stored in the DRAC 4.fwupdate Executes or displays status on DRAC 4 firmware updates.getssninfo Displays information about active sessions.getsysinfo Displays general DRAC 4 and system information.getractime Displays the DRAC 4 time.ifconfig Sets or displays the current DRAC 4 IP configuration.getsvctag Displays service tags.racdump Dumps DRAC 4 status and state information for debug.racreset Resets the DRAC 4.racresetcfg Resets the DRAC 4 to the default configuration.serveraction Executes a graceful hard server reset, power-on, power-off, or power-cycle.setrac Sets managed system name, operating system name, and type from themanaged system to the DRAC 4.sslcsrgen Generates and downloads the secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate signingrequest (CSR).sslcertupload Uploads a CA certificate or server certificate to the DRAC 4.sslcertdownload Downloads a CA certificate.sslcertview Views a CA certificate or server certificate in the DRAC 4.testemail (see Email TestCommand)Forces the DRAC 4 to send an email over the DRAC 4 NIC.testtrap (see Trap TestCommand)Forces the DRAC 4 to send an SNMP over the DRAC 4 NIC.vmdisconnect Forces a virtual media connection to close.