146 Operating System Deployment Using the DRAC 4 Virtual Media CLI Featurew w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o mCreating Bootable Deployment Image FilesObserve the following guidelines when creating the bootable deployment image files.NOTE: Regardless of the particular method used to create image files, it is recommended that you testthe image file by ensuring that you can successfully boot to it before starting a mass deployment.A simple way to test the image file is to use the image file with the DRAC 4 interactive Web interface,which allows you to connect the image to a target server, and then reboot.To create image files from existing bootable media:Linux Users• Use the dd (data duplicator) utility:dd if=<input-file> of=<output-file><input-file> =input device(for example, /dev/fd0, /dev/cdrom)<output-file> = output file(for example, myfloppy.img, mycd.iso)Windows UsersA number of utilities are available for creation of floppy and/or ISO images from removablemedia on Windows when creating CD/DVD image files. Ensure that you use one that supportscopying the CD/DVD boot sectors. The following Web addresses provide information onavailable imaging utilities:• http://www.fdos.org/ripcord/rawrite/• http://blogs.technet.com/brucecowper/archive/2005/03/09/391268.aspxTo create a bootable CD/DVD image file from scratch, use one of the following imagingprograms or a program with equivalent features:Imaging Programs for Linux Users• k3b: http://www.k3b.org/• NeroLINUX: http://www.nero.com/Imaging Programs for Windows Users• Nero: http://www.ahead.de/• MediaCreator: http://www.roxio.com/• Magic ISO: http://www.magiciso.com/