1.7 SYSTEM SET LEDThe “ Syste m S et” LE D (single cylinder) or " R eady to Run" on thedisplay (v-twin) is ready when all of the following conditions aretrue:1. The AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch is set to the AUTO position.2. The utility voltage being supplied to the unit is being sensedby the PCB. If the utility sense voltage is not connected to theunit or if it is below approxi m ately 150-160 volts AC, then thesyste m set light will flash rapidly (8k W) . This indicates that ifthe AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch is placed in the Auto position,the generator will start.3. No alar ms are present, for exa mple, low oil pressure, highte mperature, etc.1.8 FUEL REQUIREMENTSAND RECOMMENDATIONSWith LP gas, use only the vapor withdrawal system. This type ofsyste m uses the vapors for m ed above the liquid fuel in the storagetank.The engine has been fitted with a fuel carburetion syste m thatm eets the specifications of the 1997 California Air R esourcesBoard for ta mper-proof dual fuel syste ms. The unit will run onnatural gas or LP gas, but it has been factory set to run on naturalgas. Should the pri m ary fuel need to be changed to LP gas, thefuel syste m needs to be reconfigured. S ee the reconfiguring theFuel Syste m section for instructions on reconfiguration of the fuelsyste m .R ecomm ended fuels should have a Btu content of at least 1,000Btus per cubic foot for natural gas; or at least 2,520 Btus percubic foot for LP gas. Ask the fuel supplier for the Btu content ofthe fuel.R equired fuel pressure for natural gas is five (5) inches to seven(7) inches water column (0.18 to 0.25 psi); and for liquid pro-pane, 10 inches to 12 inches of water column (0.36 to 0.43 psi).The primary regulator for the propane supply is NOT INCLUDEDwith the generator.NOTE:All pipe sizing, construction and layout must complywith NFPA 54 for natural gas applications and NFPA58 for liquid propane applications. Once the genera-tor is installed, verify that the fuel pressure NEVERdrops below four (4) inches water column for naturalgas or 10 inches water column for liquid propane.Prior to installation of the generator, the installer should consultlocal fuel suppliers or the fire m arshal to check codes and regula-tions for proper installation. Local codes will m andate correct rout-ing of gaseous fuel line piping around gardens, shrubs and otherlandscaping to prevent any da m age.Special considerations should be given when installing the unitwhere local conditions include flooding, tornados, hurricanes,earthquakes and unstable ground for the flexibility and strength ofpiping and their connections.Use an approved pipe sealant or joint compound on all threadedfitting.All installed gaseous fuel piping must be purged and leak testedprior to initial start-up in accordance with local codes, standardsand regulations.1.9 FUEL CONSUMPTIONUnit Nat. Gas LP Vapor1/2 Load Full Load 1/2 Load Full Load7/8 k W 77 140 0.94/34 1.68/629/10 k W 102 156 1.25/46 1.93/7013/14 k W 156 220 1.56/58 2.30/8416/17 k W 183 261 1.61/59 2.57/9418/20 k W 206 294 1.89/69 2.90/106* N atural gas is in cubic feet per hour.** LP is in gallons per hour/cubic feet per hour.*** Values given are approxi m ate.Verify that gas m eter is capable of providing enough fuel flow toinclude household appliances.1.9.1 BTU FLOW REQUIREMENTS -NATURAL GASBTU flow required for each unit based on 1000 BTU per cubicfoot.7k W — 140,000 BTU/Hour•9k W — 156,000 BTU/Hour•13k W — 220,000 BTU/Hour•18k W — 294,000 BTU/Hour•DANGER Gaseous fuels such as natural gas and liquidpropane (LP) gas are highly explosive. Even theslightest spark can ignite such fuels and causean explosion. No leakage of fuel is permitted.Natural gas, which is lighter than air, tends tocollect in high areas. LP gas is heavier than airand tends to settle in low areas.NOTE:A minimum of one approved manual shut-off valvemust be installed in the gaseous fuel supply line. Thevalve must be easily accessible. Local codes deter-mine the proper location.Section 1 — General InformationAir-cooled Generators8