36CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY STATEMENTYOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONSThe California Air R esources Board ( CARB) and G enerac Power Syste ms, Inc. (G enerac ) are pleased to explain the E m ission Control Syste m Warranty onyour new engine.* In California, new utility, and lawn and garden equip m ent engines must be designed, built and equipped to m eet the state’s stringentanti-smog standards. G enerac will warrant the e m ission control syste m on your engine for the periods of ti m e listed below provided there has been noabuse, neglect, unapproved modification or i mproper m aintenance of your engine.Your e m ission control syste m m ay include parts such as the carburetor, ignition syste m and exhaust syste m . G enerac will repair your engine at no cost toyou for diagnosis, replace m ent parts and labor, should a warrantable condition occur.MANUFACTURER’S EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM WARRANTY COVERAGE:E m issions control syste ms on 1995 and later model year engines are warranted for two years as hereinafter noted. If, during such warranty period, anye m ission-related component or syste m on your engine is found to be defective in m aterials or work m anship, repairs or replace m ent will be perfor m ed bya G enerac Authorized Warranty S ervice Facility.PURCHASER’S/OWNER’S WARRANTY RESPONSIBILITIES:As the engine purchaser/owner, you are responsible for the completion of all required m aintenance as listed in your factory suppliedOwner’s Manual. Forwarranty purposes, G enerac recomm ends that you retain all receipts covering m aintenance on your engine. However, G enerac cannot deny warranty solelydue to the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the completion of all scheduled m aintenance.As the engine purchaser/owner, you should, however, be aware that G enerac m ay deny any and/or all warranty coverage or responsibility if your engine,or a part/component thereof, has failed due to abuse, neglect , i mproper m aintenance or unapproved modifications, or the use of counterfeit and/or “greym arket” parts not m ade, supplied or approved by G enerac.You are responsible for contacting a Generac Authorized Warranty Service Facility as soon as a problem occurs. The warranty repairs should becompleted in a reasonable a mount of ti m e, not to exceed 30 days.Warranty service can be arranged by contacting either your selling dealer or a G enerac Authorized Warranty S ervice Facility. To locate the G eneracAuthorized Warranty S ervice Facility nearest you, call our toll-free number:1-800-333-1322IMPORTANT NOTE: This warranty state m ent explains your rights and obligations under the E m ission Control Syste m Warranty (EC S Warranty) , which isprovided to you by G enerac pursuant to California law. S ee also the “ G enerac L i m ited Warranties for G enerac Power Syste ms, Inc.,” which is enclosedherewith on a separate sheet, also provided to you by G enerac. The EC S Warranty applies only to the e m ission control syste m of your new engine. If thereis any conflict in ter ms between the EC S Warranty and the G enerac Warranty, the EC S Warranty shall apply except in circumstances where the G eneracWarranty m ay provide a longer warranty period. Both the EC S Warranty and the G enerac Warranty describe i mportant rights and obligations with respectto your new engine.Warranty service can be perfor m ed only by a G enerac Authorized Warranty S ervice Facility. When requesting warranty service, evidence must be presentedshowing the date of the sale to the original purchaser/owner.If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact Generac at one of the following addresses:For Air-cooled Product ... For Liquid-cooled Product ...ATTENTION WARRANTY DEPARTMENT ATTENTION WARRANTY DEPARTMENTGENERAC POWER SYSTEMS, INC. GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS, INC.P.O. BOX 297 211 MURPHY DRIVEWHITEWATER, WI 53190 EAGLE, WI 53119Part 1Section 8 – WarrantyAir-cooled GeneratorsNOTE: This Emission Control Warranty Statement pertains to this product only IF the generator size is 15 kW or below.