14Be sure the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch is set tothe OFF position before connecting the batterycables. If the switch is set to AUTO or MANUAL,the generator can crank and start as soon asthe battery cables are connected. Be sure the utility power supply is turned offand the 7.5A fuse is removed from the generatorcontrol panel, or sparking may occur at the bat-tery posts as the cables are attached and causean explosion.S ervicing of the battery is to be perfor m ed or supervised by per-sonnel knowledgeable of batteries and the required precautions.Keep unauthorized personnel away from batteries.S ee the Specifications section for the correct size and rating whenreplacing the battery. H ave these procedures perfor m ed at theintervals specified in the “ S ervice S chedule.” A negative groundsyste m is used. Battery connections are shown on the wiring dia-gra ms. Make sure the battery is correctly connected and ter m inalsare tight. Observe battery polarity when connecting the battery tothe generator set.1.15 BATTERY CHARGERNOTE:These generators DO NOT contain an internal batterycharger.NOTE:The manufacturer provides a battery trickle chargerthat is active when the unit is set up for automaticoperation. With the battery installed and utility powersource voltage available to the transfer switch, thebattery receives a trickle charge to prevent self-discharge. The trickle charger is designed to helpextend the life of the battery by maintaining the bat-tery. The trickle charge feature cannot be used torecharge a discharged battery.A separate battery charger module is included with the generator.( For battery charger installation, see the G enerator Install Guidelinesincluded with the unit. )2.1 BEFORE INITIAL START-UPNOTE:These units have been run and tested at the factoryprior to being shipped and do not require any typeof break-in.Before starting, complete the following:1. S et the generator’s m ain circuit breaker to its O FF (or OPE N)position.2. S et the generator' s AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch to the O FFposition.3. Turn O FF all loads connected to the transfer switch ter m inalsT1 and T2.4. Check the engine crankcase oil level and, if necessary, fill tothe dipstick F ULL m ark with the recomm ended oil. Do not fillabove the F ULL m ark.5. Check the fuel supply. G aseous fuel lines must have beenproperly purged and leak tested in accordance with applicablefuel-gas codes. All fuel shutoff valves in the fuel supply linesmust be open.During initial start up only, the generator m ay exceed the nor m alnumber of start atte mpts and experience an “over crank” fault (S eethe " Overcrank " section) . This is due to accumulated air in the fuelsyste m during installation. R eset the control board and restart upto two more ti m es, if necessary. If unit fails to start, contact thelocal dealer for assistance.Never operate the engine with the oil levelbelow the “Add” mark on the dipstick. Doing thiscould damage the engine.2.2 ELECTRICAL CHECKSComplete electrical checks as follows:1. S et the generator' s m ain circuit breaker to its O FF (or OPE N)position.2. S et the generator' s AUTO/ O FF/MANUAL switch to the O FFposition.3. Turn O FF all loads connected to the transfer switch ter m inalsT1 and T2.4. Turn on the utility power supply to the transfer switch usingthe m eans provided (such as a utility m ain line circuit break-er) .DANGER The transfer switch is now electrically “hot.”Contact with “hot” parts will result in extremelyhazardous and possibly fatal electrical shock.Proceed with caution.5. Use an accurate AC volt m eter to check utility power sourcevoltage across transfer switch ter m inals N1 and N2. Nom inalline-to-line voltage should be 240 volts AC.6. Check utility power source voltage across ter m inals N1 andthe transfer switch neutral lug; then across ter m inal N2 andneutral. Nom inal line-to-neutral voltage should be 120 voltsAC.7. When certain that utility supply voltage is compatible withtransfer switch and load circuit ratings, turn O FF the utilitypower supply to the transfer switch.8. On the generator panel, set the Auto/O ff/ Manual switch toMANUAL . The engine should crank and start.9. L et the engine war m up for about five m inutes to allow inter-nal te mperatures to stabilize. Then, set the generator’s m aincircuit breaker to its ON (or closed ) position.DANGER Proceed with caution! Generator power voltageis now supplied to the transfer switch. Contactwith live transfer switch parts will result in dan-gerous and possibly fatal electrical shock.Section 2 — Post Installation Start-up and AdjustmentsAir-cooled Generators