274.9 ATTENTION AFTER SUBMERSIONIf the generator has been subm erged in water, it MUST NOT bestarted and operated. Following any subm ersion in water, havea D ealer thoroughly clean, dry and inspect the generator. If thestructure ( ex. hom e ) has been flooded, it should be inspected bya certified electrician to ensure there won ' t be any electrical prob-le ms during generator operation or when utility is returned.4.10 CORROSION PROTECTIONPeriodically wash and wax the enclosure using automotive typeproducts. Frequent washing is recomm ended in salt water/coastalareas. Spray engine linkages with a light oil such as WD -40.4.11 OUT OF SERVICE PROCEDURE4.11.1 REMOVAL FROM SERVICEIf the generator cannot be exercised every seven days, and willbe out of service longer than 90 days, prepare the generator forstorage as follows:1. S tart the engine and let it war m up.2. Close the fuel shutoff valve in the fuel supply line and allowthe unit to shut down.3. Once the unit has shut down, switch to the O FF position.4. S et the generator’s m ain circuit breaker to its O FF (or OPE N)position.5. S et the AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch to O FF and turn off the util-ity power to the transfer switch. R e move the 7.5A fuse fromthe generator control panel. D isconnect the battery cables asoutlined in “ G eneral H azards”.6. While the engine is still war m from running, drain the oilcompletely. R efill the crankcase with oil. S ee ”Engine O ilR ecomm endations" .7. Attach a tag to the engine indicating the viscosity and clas-sification of the oil in the crankcase.8. R e move the spark plug (s) and spray fogging agent into thespark plug (s) threaded openings. R einstall and tighten thespark plug (s) .9. R e move the battery and store it in a cool, dry room on awooden board. N ever store the battery on any concrete orearthen floor.10. Clean and wipe the entire generator.4.11.2 RETURN TO SERVICETo return the unit to service after storage, proceed as follows:1. Verify that utility power is turned off and that the AUTO/ O FF/MANUAL switch is set to O FF.2. Check the tag on the engine for oil viscosity and classification.Verify that the correct recomm ended oil is used in the engine(see the Engine O il R ecomm endations section) . If necessary,drain and refill with the proper oil.3. Check the state of the battery. Fill all cells of unsealed bat-teries to the proper level with distilled water. DO NOT USETAP WATE R I N THE BATTE RY. R echarge the battery to 100percent state of charge, or, if defective, replace the battery.S ee “ Specifications,” for type and size.4. Clean and wipe the entire generator.5. Make sure the 7.5A fuse is re moved from the generator con-trol panel. R econnect the battery. Observe battery polarity.D a m age m ay occur if the battery is connected incorrectly.6. Open the fuel shutoff valve.7. Insert the 7.5A fuse into the generator control panel. S tart theunit by moving the AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch to MANUAL .Allow the unit to war m up thoroughly.8. S top the unit by setting the AUTO/ O FF/MANUAL switch toO FF.9. Turn on the utility power to the transfer switch.10. S et the AUTO/ O FF/MANUAL switch to AUTO.11. The generator is now ready for service.NOTE:If the battery was dead or disconnected, the exercisetimer (single cylinder), current date and time (v-twin)must be reset.4.11.3 ACCESSORIESThere are perfor m ance enhancing accessories available for theair-cooled generators.Cold Weather Kits• are recomm ended in areas where te mpera-tures regularly fall below 10° F (-12° C ) .Scheduled Maintenance Kits• include all pieces necessary toperfor m m aintenance on the generator along with oil recom-m endations.A Fascia Skirt Wrap• is standard on all 20k W units. It ' s avail-able for all other current production air-cooled units. It snapstogether to provide a smoothing, contoured look as well asrodent/insect protection.The Remote Monitor System• is a wireless, indoor mounted,box that indicates generator run status and allows for exerciseprogra m ing as well as provide m aintenance re m inders.Touch-up Paint Kits• are very i mportant to m aintain the look andintegrity of the generator enclosure. These kits include touch-uppaint and instructions if the need should arise.For more details on accessories, please contact a D ealer.•Section 4 — MaintenanceAir-cooled Generators