Section 1 — General InformationAir-cooled Generators51.4 EMISSION INFORMATIONThe Environm ental Protection Agency requires that this generatorcomplies with exhaust e m ission standards. This generator is certi-fied to m eet the applicable EPA e m ission levels. Additional infor-m ation regarding the require m ents set by the EPA is as follows:The generator is certified for use as a stationary engine for standbypower generation. Any other use m ay be a violation of federaland/or local laws. It is i mportant that to follow the m aintenancespecifications in the " Maintenance " section to ensure that theengine complies with the applicable e m ission standards for theduration of the engine’s life. This engine is certified to operate onL iquid Propane fuel and pipeline N atural G as. The e m ission controlsyste m on the generator consists of the following:Fuel Metering Syste m•Carburetor/m ixer asse mbly•Fuel regulator•Air Induction Syste m•Intake pipe/m anifold•Air cleaner•Ignition Syste m•Spark plug•Ignition module•The E m issions Compliance Period referred to on the E m issionsCompliance L abel indicates the number of operating hours forwhich the engine has been shown to m eet Federal e m issionrequire m ents. S ee the table below to deter m ine the complianceperiod for the generator. The displace m ent of the generator is listedon the E m issions Compliance L abel.D isplace m ent Category Compliance Period< 66 ccA 300 HoursB 125 HoursC 50 Hours 66 cc -< 225 ccA 500 HoursB 250 HoursC 125 Hours 225 ccA 1000 HoursB 500 HoursC 250 Hours