29Section 5 — TroubleshootingAir-cooled Generators5.1 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEProblem Cause CorrectionThe engine will not crank. 1. Fuse blown. 1. Correct short circuit condition, replace7.5A fuse in generatorcontrol panel.2. Loose, corroded or defective 2. Tighten, clean or replacebattery cables. as necessary.3. D efective starter contactor. (8 k W) 3. *4. D efective starter motor. 4. *5. D ead Battery. 5. Charge or replace battery.The engine cranks but 1. Out of fuel. 1. R eplenish fuel/Turn on fuel valve.will not start. 2. D efective fuel solenoid ( F S) . 2. *3. Open # 14 wire from 3. *engine control board.4. Fouled spark plug (s) . 4. Clean, re-gap or replace plug (s) .5. Valve lash out of adjust m ent. 5. R eset valve lash.6. Choke not operating. 6. Verify choke plate moves freely.The engine starts hard 1. Air cleaner plugged 1. Check, replace air cleaner.and runs rough. or da m aged.2. Fouled spark plug (s) . 2. Clean, re-gap or replace plug (s) .3. Fuel pressure incorrect. 3. Confir m fuel pressure to regulatoris 10-12” water colu mn (0.36-0.43 psi ) forLP, and 5-7” water column (0.18-0.25 psi )for natural gas.4. Fuel selector in wrong position. 4. Move selector to correct position.5. Choke re m ains closed. 5. Verify choke plate moves freely.The AUTO/O FF/MANUAL 1. D efective switch. 1. *switch is set to O FF, but 2. AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch 2. *the engine continues wired incorrectly.to run. 3. D efective control board. 3. *There is no AC output 1. Main line circuit breaker is in 1. R eset circuit breakerfrom the generator. the O FF (or OPE N) position. to ON (or C LOSE D) .2. G enerator internal failure. 2. *There is no transfer to 1. D efective transfer switch coil. 1. *standby after utility 2. D efective control logic board. 2. *Unit consum es large 1. Engine over filled with oil. 1. Adjust oil to proper level.a mounts of oil. 2. I mproper type or viscosity of oil. 2. S ee "Engine O il Recomm endations" .3. D a m aged gasket, seal or hose. 3. Check for oil leaks.4. Engine breather defective. 4. **Contact the nearest Dealer for assistance.